
Thursday, January 21, 2010

a War on Salt... Ohh nose!

Restaurant Chefs Boiling Over NYC Mayor's Salt Crackdown - Nutrition | Physical -

I know this is a little late in the debate, but could it be... a War on Salt? It appears as though The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is debuting its long-awaited National Salt Reduction Initiative . The goal of the program? To cut the levels of sodium in restaurant and prepackaged foods by 20 percent over the next five years. Although this program is not mandatory, according to an article in the Nation's Restaurant News, Rick Sampson, president of the New York State Restaurant Association worries,
“We’re hoping they will do this on a voluntary basis, but will they come back and mandate it?... If they do that, I don’t know what it will mean.”
Sampson is not the only person with concerns though. Grub Street added that maybe the Health Department had failed to consult with Mr. Momofuku Chang, stating,
"That’s right, dozens of otherwise diligent reporters had forgotten to ask David Chang what he thinks. Well, the Post suddenly realized, “Wait a minute, has anyone asked that Momofuku guy to weigh in on this? Maybe if we call him up, he’ll call Bloomberg a %&%(# or a $&$(@.” But no, instead Chang merely says, “You need salt to draw flavor out of food ... It’s a skill that you teach cooks. For that to be regulated by the government is just stupid and foolish.” Hear that, Bloomie? Stupid and foolish!"
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