
Friday, January 8, 2010

열려있지 않음 아직도 죤에 봉 (Bon Chon on John... still NOT open)

Dear Bon Chon,

You are such a tease!  You sit there across the street from my apartment for months with a "Coming Soon" sign plastered in the window.  You slide menus under my door so that when I wake up at 6 am for a glass of water, I see a delicious list of all the items that will be two steps from my building.  And then... like a present under the tree on Christmas, a tiny Bon Chon box miraculously appears in my fridge (my mom actually put it there) with a beautiful, crispy piece of fried chicken inside.  What a way to start my Friday.  I took a bite.  It was fantastic.  The flavor was incredible, sweet and salty, meaty... I needed more.  Immediately.  I quickly threw on my clothes for work (I was running late as usual) and rushed outside, excited to see what I hoped would be a "Now Open" sign in the store front of this fried chicken haven.  There was no such sign.  You're still not open.  You got my hopes up and now I'm sitting here at my cubicle crushed, dreaming of the day when you will finally open your doors.

Please, please open soon! Tx!

- Little Piggy

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